Anthology Dogpile, ed. Thurston Howl Review by Togo Pet play, possibly one of the kinks and communities closest to the furry fandom; yet, ironically, one that's not as popular or as represented as it should be inside it. The idea of getting into a different head-space, behaving in an
Foxers or Beariefs Foxers or Beariefs, ed. Thurston Howl Review by Pythian Foxers or Beariefs is an erotic anthology themed around underwear. Every story puts a generally hidden undergarment at the forefront in various forms with all the inherent
Red Ferret Press Knotted II, edited by Weasel Review by Linnea ‘LiteralGrill’ Capps Published by Red Ferret Press with editing by Weasel and Thurston Howl, Knotted Volume II features eight different authors all covering curious and kinky stories