Fred Patten What the Fox?!, edited by Fred Patten Review by Ivic Wulfe What the Fox?! is a light-hearted romp by a variety of writers. Some well-versed in the comedic writing style and others more well-known for their dramatic
Fred Patten Symbol of a Nation, ed. Fred Patten Review by Thurston Howl As most are aware, nations often have a symbolic or emblematic animal. Fred Patten decided to edit an anthology with GOAL Publications based on this theme
poetry Civilized Beasts II, by Marge Simon, Bruce Boston, Thomas Faux Steele, BanWynn Oakshadow, E.S. Lapso, John Milkereit, Winston Derden, Carolyn Dahl, Dwale and Steve Ausherman Review by Jako Malan In an era of Emojis and Netspeak, is there still a place where every word is carefully chosen and every letter carefully set in place? Is